We Are Looking To Acquire Manufacturing Businesses

Do you own, or partially own a Manufacturing businesses?  I am looking to acquire a business in this sector that matches the criteria below. 

Perhaps you're looking to sell up or retire, spend more time with your family, concentrate on other interests, reduce your stress or just feel the business isn't performing as well as it could be. If any of these sound familiar, then please do get in touch for a confidential, no obligation chat.

What Are We Looking For?

  • Manufacturing business
  • There are less than 4 Shareholders / Directors
  • A turnover between £500k - £10m
  • The company has been trading for at least 5 years
  • There are at least 5 employees
  • Based in England
  • The business is or has been profitable
  • Will consider stressed or under performing companies
We are looking to buy manufacturing businesses
Is it easy to sell my Manufacturing business?

Not usually, but it can be

Selling a manufacturing business can be a complex process given the technical nature of the industry, however with the correct advisors you can reduce your chances of facing deal-changing problems, and achieve your principle goals. The key with advisors is less is more and bringing them into the process at the right time, otherwise they can be more of a deal blocker.

How do I value my Manufacturing Business for sale?

There are several methods...

Manufacturing companies can be complex businesses to value, so it is crucial to come at it from a few different angles. Some people will use an EBITDA multiple, others a balance sheet valuation and another option is the Value Builder estimation. I'd say it's more important to get the right deal, rather than the rice price. Sometimes it's better to accept a lower valuation that has less strings attached, other times you can achieve a higher valuation if you're willing to agree a more creative deal structure. You can use the Free Business Valuation tool within the Business Assessment section to find out what your business may be worth.

Is Due Diligence expensive & long?

Often YES, but it doesn't have to be!

A lot of owners of manufacturing businesses don't know where to start when they consider selling their manufacturing company. This means they often start by talking to their Accountant or Solicitor, who most likely will help them and encourage them to do a length Due Diligence. Why, well often these professions are paid by the hour, so unfortunately unless you agree a fixed fee (hint) the costs can become significant.
In my experience of doing deals, the key here is to have a proper conversation with the buyer and be open about the business. If you start to sugar coat, or hide information this will come out and it will then make the buyer nervous and the Due Diligence process can then be very long.