Case Studies

Giles has helped many businesses over the years, from doubling an exit price, saving a company from closing the doors to helping a company increase turnover by 50%. 

Every company we work with an NDA is put in place, therefore the below case studies don't have any specifics about the company involved. 

Doubled The Exit Valuation & Sold

Read how by completing the Value Builder program a business doubled its value. 

75% Less Time In The Business

Read how an owner went from working all the time to being able to step back whilst still growing the business.

Can We Help You?

We wouldn't be so arrogant to assume we can help you and with every situation being different, it's important to understand your situation before knowing if and how we may be able to support you. To find out how we can help you get what you want from your business book a meeting on a "Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained" basis.